
User is logged in after Stripe payment, then redirected, but is then logged out again

User is logged in after Stripe payment, then redirected, but is then logged out again
  1. Why laravel user is logged out after redirecting back from payment?
  2. How do I redirect after stripe payment?
  3. What is stripe redirect?

Why laravel user is logged out after redirecting back from payment?

For paying, the user first redirects to a bank account and then redirects to my page. during this procedure, the user gets logged out! for protecting my routes I use auth middleware and for session driver, I use the default session driver which is file.

How do I redirect after stripe payment?

Redirect to custom url after Stripe successful payment

  1. Go to Form Dashboard by clicking on menu (3 dots) on right top corner of form card.
  2. Go to Configure.
  3. Go to Post Submission.
  4. In Redirection field, insert the URL you want user to redirect after successful submission.
  5. Save when done.

What is stripe redirect?

Use stripe. redirectToCheckout to redirect your customers to Checkout, a Stripe-hosted page to securely collect payment information. When the customer completes their purchase, they are redirected back to your website.

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